Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Peer Spectre Software & Computer Investigations in Cuyahoga County, Cleveland, Ohio

Peer Spectre Software was developed by William Wiltse, a former police detective for the City of Salem, Oregon. The application was created as part of an investigative effort known as Operation Fairplay. The software is only made available to law enforcement officers.

Peer Spectre was initially released in January of 2008 and is currently employed by law enforcement investigators throughout the United States and around the world. The software has been designed to automate the investigation of individuals committing computer crimes while utilizing peer to peer networks and applications, such as Limewire.

Since its release, Peer Spectre has been utilized in the investigation and prosecution of individuals in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. There is much more that can be said concerning this software and the investigative methods that are employed. If law enforcement has conducted a search of your residence, or has commenced an investigation against you, or a friend, or relative of yours, or if you have been charged with a computer crime as a result of an investigation that utilized software such as Peer Spectre, you may have questions or be seeking legal representation.

If you have questions, please call Criminal Defense Lawyer Ron Frey for a free consultation at (440) 537-0299.