As a criminal defense attorney, I frequently represent citizens charged with criminal offenses in the Willoughby Municipal Court in Willoughby, Ohio. The Willoughby Municipal Court serves the communities of Eastlake, Kirtland, Wickliffe, Willoughby, Willoughby Hills and Willowick, the Villages of Kirtland Hills, Lakeline, Timberlake and Waite Hill. As such, if a person is charged with a misdemeanor criminal offense within one of these communities, their case will likely be heard in the Willoughby Municipal Court.
The Court is located at 4000 Erie Street, Willoughby, Ohio. The Court is quite busy given the multiple communities with which it serves. The severity of the criminal cases range from Felony level charges that initiate within the jurisdiction, to misdemeanor traffic tickets.
If you, or someone you know, is facing a criminal charge within the Willoughby Municipal Court you may wish to discuss the matter in greater detail with a criminal defense lawyer. As such, please feel free to call me anytime for a free initial consultation at: (440) 537-0299.